~Welcome to Mac84.net!~

A special welcome to ALL the vintage Macintoshes on the web!

Some AWeEsOmE pages to get your old Mac up and running!
Sites marked with a * will ONLY work on a modern web browser due to SSL / security issues, or modern content. :(
Sites marked with a ** will load on an old web browser, but the downloads section or other functionality may not always work 100%. A modern browser may be best!
TinkerDifferent.com - The cool new forum for Apple and other vintage machines!*
VintageApple.org - Information from the early Apple era & downloads
AppleFool.com - Classic Mac Networking and downloads
Macintosh Garden - **A great site for old applications and more
Mac Yak * - A live video podcast where we yak about Mac stuff!
System 7 Today - A great website dedicated to System 7
MacRumors.com - Another Mac site with a discussion board
/r/VintageApple (sub-reddit) - **A great board and resource for Apple fans new and old
MacFixer - A Great Library of Vintage Software Library (Apple II to Mac OS 9.2.2!)
Updates for Mac OS 9 - *A nice website with some handy downloads and Firmware updates (Some dead links!)
Some Other Random Downloads

Version 8.4 retro edition!
Last Updated - December 5, 2020.